

I greet you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and welcome you to St. James On-the-Glebe Anglican Church. I believe God has great plans for this place, and it is my prayer and vision for St. James to be a haven of reverent, living, and faithful worship and community in the midst of a world both hurried and lonely.

— Fr. Kevin C. Fife, Vicar

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Our worship is grounded in the Book of Common Prayer, praying the treasures of the Christian faith in each service: the Lord’s Prayer, the Nicene Creed, Scripture, and the Psalms.

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We move towards heaven and sanctification together, daily striving to be transformed and to become more like Christ. Through daily prayer, weekly communion, and celebrating the Church calendar, we grow together as a Church Family.

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We are loyal to the faith “once delivered to the saints” (St. Jude 1:3) that has not changed since the days of the early Church. We defend this with pride, grace, and thankfulness.

A “glebe” is farmland that was given by the King of England to the Church. This land was then farmed to support the clergy who lived on it. The Glebe of St. James is the historic Abingdon Glebe given in the early 1700s, making it Anglican land for over 300 years! The Glebe is 65 beautiful acres: 30 acres of fields, 5 acres of pasture (where the glebehouse, chapel, carriage house, and barns sit), and 30 acres of woods. The Glebehouse, where the vicar and family live, was first mentioned in 1724 in a letter to the Bishop of London. St. James On-the-Glebe stewards the land with honor: their beauty and endurance is a testament to God’s faithfulness.

The Historic “Glebe”


8:30AM Morning Prayer

9:30AM Catechesis (Adult and Children Sunday School Classes)

10:30AM Holy Communion

All Invited to a Fellowship Potluck Lunch Following the Sunday Service each week

Morning Prayer (Every Tuesday to Friday) 9:00AM

Evening Prayer (Every Tuesday to Friday) 4:30PM

Fridays: 12 Noon Said Mass (about 40 minutes)

Fridays in Lent: 5:30PM Outdoor Stations of the Cross

All ages are welcome at all services, including children and infants. Little ones are not just “the future” of the Church, but are also part of our present as well. If we are to “train up your children in the way that they should go” (Proverbs 22:6), then this means including them as they learn to participate in the service.

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